Cash is Good!

I have taken a part-time job, and it's definitely affecting my blogging time. I'll continue to post here as I am able.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shared Reviews to Revamp Earning Opportunities

Peter Ejtel, Founder and Editor in Chief of Shared Reviews, has announced upcoming major changes to the site. Beginning with a two-month earning hiatus and transition period, then, on October 1, the new changes will go into full effect and the prediction is that members should be able to earn more than ever before.

In addition to writing reviews, the "Bounty" program will go into Beta mode. This allows writers with a high enough rank to complete writing assignments for third party clients. Payment for successful Bounty articles will be prompt.

The system of voting for reviews for monthly rankings and payments will end. Instead, revenues will be distributed proportionally to all writers based on page views from general web traffic.

Rather than voting, members will now respond to other reviewers by anonymously rating reviews with a numerical ranking and short text message.

Ejtel said, "Rank Badges will be earned through experience, such as Publishing, generating Page Views, Rating other Author’s content, acquiring Referrals, and receiving positive Ratings from other Authors."

For August and September, members will be asked to participate on a volunteer basis in order to test the new system and become accustomed to how it will work.

For the past two years, I've been ranked in the top 5 on the site almost every month. My monthly income has been between $25-$50. With the hope of increasing that amount, I am willing to continue my involvement until the return of payments in October.

If you are looking for future opportunities to write, with earning potential, this is a good time to sign up, start writing, and learn how the new system will work.

See the full announcement at the Shared Reviews Blog
Sign up at Shared Reviews


Claudia said...

It's interesting stuff.Nice to hear.I really enjoyed it. That would be cool post.
