Hey! Do you want some free advertising across 10,000 web sites? For a very minimal amount of work, Adgitize will guarantee that through July 31, 2010, in a summer special offer!
Yes, you will have to buy their $14 a month ad, but you can be guaranteed to earn that entire amount back by simply making more than 300 points a day.
How can you make 300 points a day? It's easy! You get 100 for writing a blog post. If you are an advertiser that gives you a 100 point a day bonus, and as an advertiser, you can get another 100 by clicking only 51 ads instead of the 100 required for non-advertisers.
Owner, Ken Brown, says, "we would rather give that money back to you" than spend it somewhere else. So he will guarantee you $.47 for a 300-point day. If you are consistent, this adds up to $14.57 for the month, resulting in free advertising for you.
What's the catch? What does Adgitize get? Their hope is to attract enough steady advertisers to keep the number above 200 on a regular basis. Why not give it a try this summer?
Hmmm, I might just have to give it a go this month. I have $7 sitting there anyway that I'd be keen to get out.
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